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Recruiter (German Speaking) in Amersfoort

Management vacature bij EN HR solutions in Amersfoort.

1 - 40 uur per week



Recruitment goes beyond hiring and selection. We believe in sustainable collaboration. We work proactively, efficiently, and always based on data. Our main objective? To help an organization grow by achieving the best matches. As an RPO Recruiter, you play an incredibly important role in this. Curious to learn more? In this job vacancy, you'll find out how we assist organizations in finding the perfect match.

You are the Recruitment Business Partner for our client. As a specialist, you assist with every recruitment challenge. You always think several steps ahead, enabling you to provide the best advice. When managers face difficult decisions, you effortlessly analyze the problem and develop options.

Of course, in this role, you are also responsible for filling vacancies. You write targeted job postings, assess incoming applications, and actively search for candidates. Because you think in terms of possibilities, you recognize the potential in candidates and easily find the best match.

You understand that recruitment goes hand in hand with marketing. As a recruiter, you ensure interaction with candidates and delve into the target audience. Fortunately, you don't do this alone. You collaborate with our marketers and sourcing specialists. They specialize in (online) labor market communication and ensure that your job postings are easily found by the target audience.

  • You can speak German on a native level and you have a fluent commend of the English language in speech and writing. 
  • You're not afraid to ask critical questions and possess a commercial mindset.
  • You have great adaptability and quickly integrate into an organization.
  • Problems are triggers for activating your creative mind.
  • What you learn today, you apply tomorrow and optimize the day after. Making mistakes is allowed.
  • You excel in both account management and execution.
  • You're not afraid to roll up your sleeves and try things out! New insights don't just come by chance.
  • You're open, eager to learn, and unafraid to make choices.

* Submitting a Certificate of Good Conduct (VOG) is part of our application process. We will reimburse the costs for your VOG. 

  • A salary ranging from €2,500 to €5,000, depending on your experience and skills.
  • 8% vacation pay.
  • The position can be either full-time or part-time.
  • Work hours and days are flexible.
  • Hybrid working is possible, and in fact, encouraged.
  • A Learning & Development program to further your personal and professional growth.
  • You'll receive 28 vacation days per year.
  • You can take advantage of our lease bike scheme.
  • We offer a good pension plan.
  • All the tech you need to work: MacBook, iPhone, etc.
  • Plus, plenty of fun events: an annual BBQ, Christmas party, Kick-off, and much more.

Deze vacature wordt aangeboden door Jobbird. Solliciteren kan eenvoudig en snel op de website van Jobbird door op de 'Solliciteer direct' knop te klikken.

Extra informatie

Middelbare school
Werkuren per week
1 - 40
Fulltime (startersfunctie)

Management vacatures | Fulltime (startersfunctie) | Middelbare school

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